Your Success Is Our Business
Office 541-432-7433 / Cell - 541-975-0261
Brian's Cell: 541-975-3115

Brian Sanders has been outfitting for over a decade and is the owner and operator of Oregon Backcountry Outfitting. Founded in May 2017, Oregon Backcountry Outfitting is able to boast an incredible success rate for guided hunts across the state of Oregon, including trophy bulls in the highly sought-after Wenaha unit. Holding permits in multiple units across the state, Oregon Backcountry Outfitting is a highly productive outfitter with all big game species and auction tag animals. From spring bear hunts, to elusive goat hunts, through the last fall Elk season, Oregon Backcountry Outfitting takes pride in continually inventorying target species the state has to offer.
An Eastern Oregon native, Brian has spent his life packing, hunting, and trapping. From the Eagle Caps, Wenaha Tucannon, Mount Emily, and other wilderness areas, Brian, along with his crew of passionate outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen have years of experience. Oregon Backcountry Outfitting is the preeminent provider of equestrian activities at Wallowa Lake Pack Station and hunting excursions throughout Oregon, specializing in archery, rifle, auction, and raffle tags.
Your family, your friends, or even just yourself can rest assured that no matter your choice of adventure, whether it be hunting, hiking, horseback riding, camping, fishing, or even photography, it will be safe and professional. Experiencing Northeastern Oregon can often be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So, whether it be your 25-year wait on a Wenaha trophy bull elk tag or your childhood dream of packing into the Eagle Cap Wilderness — use an outfitter who provides you with confidence that your trip will be memorable.

59771 Wallowa Lake Highway Joseph OR United States 97846
Mailing: 73260 Gordon Creek, Elgin, OR United States 97827
Office: 541-432-7433 Cell: 541-975-0261
For hunt booking: Brian's Cell - 541-975-3115